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Arihant JNV Class 6th Book 2025


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6 in stock

Arihant JNV Class 6th Book 2025

Unlock the secrets of success with the Arihant JNV Book Class 6th 2025, offering a comprehensive collection of solved papers from 2024 to 2017. Gain valuable insights into the examination pattern, question formats, and key topics that are crucial for excelling in the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya entrance exam. This section serves as an invaluable resource, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the nuances of the examination through years of meticulously solved papers.

JNV Class 6 2025 Complete Syllabus in 3 Major Sections

Navigate the Class 6th JNV entrance exam 2025 with confidence as the Arihant JNV Book 2024 organizes the complete syllabus into three major sections. Covering the Mental Ability Test, Arithmetic Test, and Language Test (English), this structured approach ensures that students can systematically prepare for each section. The comprehensive coverage enables a thorough understanding of the syllabus, empowering students to tackle any challenge that may arise in the examination.

JNV Class 6th Practice Sets 2025

Sharpen your skills and boost your confidence with the Arihant JNV Book’s Practice Sets 1 to 5. These sets are specifically designed to provide students with a simulated exam environment, allowing them to gauge their readiness for the actual test. By solving these practice sets, students can refine their time-management skills, identify areas for improvement, and fortify their preparation for the Class 6th JNV entrance exam.

Best Book for JNV Class 6th 2025

The Arihant JNV Book Class 6th 2025 ensures a comprehensive coverage of the syllabus with a well-organized table of contents. From the detailed analysis of solved papers (2023-2017) to specific sections covering Mental Ability, Arithmetic, and English Language tests, students will find a structured approach to their preparation. Additionally, Practice Sets 1 to 5 offer the perfect opportunity for students to fine-tune their skills and gain a competitive edge in the JNV entrance examination. This meticulously crafted book is your key to success, providing a holistic approach to Class 6th JNV entrance exam preparation.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm


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