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Arihant’s General Knowledge GK 2025


11 in stock

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11 in stock

Arihant’s General Knowledge GK 2025

Embark on a journey of knowledge with Arihant’s General Knowledge GK 2025, a comprehensive guide meticulously curated to cater to the diverse needs of aspirants preparing for various competitive exams. Delve into the intricacies of the book, exploring its well-organized structure, unique features, and its significant sections that cover an extensive array of topics essential for success.

Arihant GK 2025 Book Structure

The architecture of Arihant GK 2025 is designed with a strategic approach to facilitate effective learning. Divided into distinct sections, the book covers subjects vital for competitive exams. The systematic arrangement ensures a smooth progression of information, aiding readers in mastering each topic with ease.

Book Features of Arihant GK 2025

Discover the exceptional features that set Arihant GK 2025 apart. Engage with well-researched content, clear explanations, and practice questions that reinforce understanding. The inclusion of graphics, charts, and tables enhances visual learning, making complex concepts digestible for all aspirants.

Current Affairs 2025

Stay abreast of the latest events and developments with the Current Affairs section. Arihant GK 2025 provides a comprehensive coverage of the significant occurrences in 2025, ensuring that readers are well-prepared for the dynamic challenges of competitive exams.

Indian History, Geography, Polity, and Economy

Dive into the rich tapestry of Indian History, Geography, Polity, and Economy, presented concisely yet comprehensively. Arihant GK 2025 serves as a valuable resource, offering in-depth insights into the nation’s past, its geographical diversity, political structure, and economic landscape.

General Science

Unlock the mysteries of General Science through Arihant GK 2025. From physics to biology, this section provides a holistic overview of scientific principles, preparing aspirants for the science-related questions in their exams.

General Knowledge

The General Knowledge section acts as the cornerstone of Arihant GK 2025. Covering a wide range of topics, it ensures a holistic understanding of the world, making aspirants well-equipped to tackle the diverse questions that may appear in competitive exams.

Arihant GK 2025 is helpful for All Competitive Exams

Irrespective of the exam you are preparing for, Arihant GK 2025 proves to be an invaluable companion. Tailored to meet the requirements of exams like UPSC, State PSC, SSC, Bank, Railways RRB, Defence NDA/CDS, CUET, Teaching, State Govt, and more, this book is a one-stop solution for aspirants aiming for success. With its comprehensive coverage and user-friendly format, Arihant GK 2025 stands as an indispensable tool for those on the path to success in competitive exams.

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 cm


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